My friend Gabe Weatherhead has just posted an excellent discussion of his Synology setup:

BitTorrent Sync, Dropbox, Amazon Cloud, Google Drive — There’s no shortage of ways I can store files on the Internet. I’ve been a dedicated Dropbox user for many years and continue to pay for their “Pro” consumer product. The announcement of a new Amazon unlimited storage option is compelling but the lack of options for access as well as limited app support will likely keep me using Dropbox.

But, I find myself using my own hosted Cloud Station on my Synology NAS more often as my way of getting files moved between devices. The sync application for the Mac works well and the DS Cloud iOS app is very functional. Both are fast for me, but what I really like is that the files are only ever on devices under my physical control.

Gabe has nearly convinced me to go with a Synology-primary approach to storage several times in the past, most recently with his review of the 1815+.

This article is another fine example of Macdrifter (the blog) at its best – direct, concise, helpful. It’s still one of my favorite sites on the internet.