These two articles by Gabe at Macdrifter are worth a close read:

Creation is simultaneously the hardest and most enjoyable thing I’ve ever done. That may not be true for most people, and I both understand and respect that.

It’s difficult to be a creator of any kind, especially in a world that seems to do its best to turn creative work into a commodity. No creator likes to think of himself as “just another (illustrator / writer / engineer / developer / guitarist / etc…).”

As a fighter pilot I used to create purely as a hobby. If anyone else enjoyed my work it was a nice bonus, but not essential.

About a year and a half ago I became a full-time creator-for-hire and it has been a difficult transition. I think the toughest attitude to face in this new role is “the executive editor”.

Similar to the “Takers” in Macdrifter’s first post, this attitude is often communicated as:

“I need a (presentation / application / web page) about (poorly defined topic). I don’t want to take the time to think through my requirements or write anything down, I just want to brainstorm to you about it over the phone for the next few hours.”


“Draw up a few different options and then I’ll pick the one I like.”

In later working iterations this attitude usually evolves into an attempt to turn the creator into a voice activated pencil. The whole process is summed up nicely by this comic from The Oatmeal.

It’s hard for someone to share a creation they’re passionate about with someone who views it as a commodity. I’m still working on that one, and will probably struggle with it for some time.

As I’m beginning to realize, I create best (and most happily) for myself. This website was created to help scratch that itch.

It’s my sincere hope that you’ll find it useful sometimes too.